Rabu, 30 Disember 2009
Nokia N85 software version 31.002 released
Isnin, 7 Disember 2009
INFO: laptop detector - Jangan tinggal laptop/PDA di dalam kereta (refresh)
The device still able to detect it. Do you think about the cost of the device? It’s costs you RM 50 only and the thieves can start the “business”. Make sure the laptop and any valuable electronic devices always with you to prevent lost of in-term of money and un-countable valuable information for your business.
Here is the devices pictures:
Rabu, 25 November 2009
Kenapa aku kata Maxis lagi bagus dari Celcom.. luahan pengguna.
serta menggunakan broadband ke dua2 telco ini.. inilah kesimpulan yang dapat aku buat...
jangan marah kalau tak puas hati, ini sekadar pandangan aku, aku tak menyokong sesiapa, aku hanya menyokong pemberi servis terbaik sahaja. hope lepas ni, mereka akan tingkatkan servis mereka. aku tak sentuh langsung pasal DIGI, bukan sebab tak bagus, tapi memang aku tak pernah pakai DIGI.
- Kedua duanya sama, lebih kurang je kawasannya, kat rumah aku, dua2 tak clear, maybe share site.
- Simcard celcom lambat dapat line, semasa start-up handphone.
- Celcom selalu down, satu malaysia pulak tu! dah la tu, asyik line busy je
- Sejak tukar simcard celcom, aku rasa lembab dapat signal GPS, apa kena mengena.. aku pun tak tahu...
- Ramai orang kata celcom laju..tapi celcom ni byk block, contohnya bila masuk conference dalam yahoo messenger, tak boleh guna voice. begitu juga dengan sesetengah website tak dapat masuk sepenuhnya. Sedangkan ketika aku menggunakan maxis, perkara begini tak pernah terjadi.
- Ketika menggunakan maxis, aku pernah download sehingga 200kbyte/s, walaupun hanya pada waktu malam, tapi celcom belum pernah selaju itu!.
- Celcom Online Update lambat bil. susah la nak berurusan secara online!!
- WEbsite celcom macam website tak update!,hohoho sapa la yg buat...
- Check bill pun kadang2 tak dapat.
- Tiada servis yang kita boleh tukar secara online.
- Nak minta setting untuk 3g pun susah, cari kat online takda, kena call customer servis!!, yang ada pun untuk model lama2, lepas tu kena setting sendiri pulak tu, kalau guna maxis, boleh terus je minta setting kat online.
- Aku pernah bayar celcom secara online, 2 minggu check, baru bayaran aku tu masuk, buat org risau je.
- celcom ni kalau line kena bar cepat je dia potong, tapi bila dah bayar, lambat pula nak aktif kan balik.
- aku menyampah pegi kedai celcom, Depan kedai dia, penuh promoter duk promote broadband, nak bayar bil pun susah! suka nak main kejar2!!
- aku rasa, bila bil maxis dengan celcom sampai, maxis lebih senang faham nak tengok, aku pening tgk bil celcom aku, ntah apa2 yang dia tulis, serabut jiwa dan raga.
- Celcom lebih mahal dari maxis!! walau pun nampak murah!
- Bil aku mencecah 200 bila guna celcom, sedangkan sebelum ini hanya 100 sebulan ketika menggunakan maxis! menggunakan package yang sama!!
- walaupun celcom supplement wajib bayar cuma rm5 sedangkan maxis rm30, tapi celcom still lebih mahal bila sampai bil bulanan!
Selasa, 17 November 2009
Yahoo 10 Kini Bukan beta lagi
Keep friends at your fingertips with the new Yahoo! Messenger:
- Easier ways to stay up to date - See more updates from your friends in the detailed Messenger list
- Show off your status - Easily add links and emoticons to your status messages
- Watch videos together - Share videos from popular sites and watch them with friends right in your IM window
Other features include:
- Instant message with one friend, or conference in a bunch
- Send text messages (SMS) to friends' mobile phones
- Join a chat room to meet new friends while you discuss your favorite topics
- Make free PC-to-PC calls and PC-to-phone calls for as low as 1¢ a minute (plus free voicemail!)
- Use the built-in media player to watch web videos and view photos with friends
- Show your style with emoticons, Avatars, audibles and IMVironments
- Share securely with automatic file scanning for users of Norton AntiVirus or Internet Security 2007/2008
As of today, Yahoo! Messenger 10 is no longer in Beta. You can download the final version from our website. This latest version ( incorporates many bug fixes, including some related to our new video call feature. We’ve also improved the overall stability of the product.
If you’re a Windows 7 user, you’ll be glad to know this version is compatible with the new operating system.
Below is a summary of the features that are in Yahoo! Messenger 10. Be sure to watch the demo video at the end of this article for a quick tour.
High-quality video calls
We’ve completely redesigned our 1:1 webcam feature (under the hood too). Now you can make a high-quality video call to a friend with synched audio, right in the IM window. Features include the ability to swap video windows, position the video windows side-by-side, mute the call or place it on hold. You can even go full-screen with your video call. To get started, click the new “Video Call” button in the IM window (your friend also needs to be on Yahoo! Messenger 10). Tips for making video calls | Having fun with video effects
New “Y! Updates” view of your contact list
People are busy these days, doing all sorts of interesting things online. To help you keep up with your friends, we added an alternate view of your contact list that shows a real-time stream of their updates, including Messenger status message changes. If they’ve opted-in to share their updates via Yahoo!, you’ll be able to see what they’re saying on Twitter, reading on Yahoo! Buzz, listening to on, and more.
We also added additional features for how and when you see your friends’ updates. When a new update comes in, a “toast” alert will pop up in the lower right corner of your screen. If you want to disable these, go to Messenger > Preferences > Yahoo! Updates. You can turn alerts on and off and even update preferences by contact or by type of update.
Find more to chat about
Within the new “Yahoo! Updates” view, you’re sure to find more to talk about with your friends. To make it easy, we added a hover menu that lets you quickly IM a friend about their update. When you do, the update appears inline in the conversation window, so when you start your IM with “I can’t believe you like this song!”, your friend will know what you’re talking about. Note that your friend needs to also be on Yahoo! Messenger 10 to see the update inline.
Change your language easily
If you use the U.S. version but wish it could be in your local language, you’re in luck. When you start up Yahoo! Messenger 10, you’ll notice a new language menu on the sign-in screen. Choose from 16 different languages and the buttons, menus and various parts of the interface will change to that language. If you’re already signed in, you can also change your language under Messenger > Preferences > Language (you’ll have to restart Yahoo! Messenger for it to take effect).
As with any new release, we welcome your feedback about what’s working well for you and what’s not. After using Yahoo! Messenger 10 for a bit, go to the Help menu and select “Send Feedback” to get started.
Sarah Bacon
Product Manager
Download di website yahoo, atau di sini
Sabtu, 14 November 2009
Kat bawah ni sy listdown beberapa singkatan yang biasa digunakan dalam dunia chatting. Maybe ramai yang dah tau pun, just nak brkongsi with those yang br nak berjinak-jinak dengan dunia YM ni.. Hehehe
ASL - Age , Sex & Location
BRB - Be Right Back
BBL - Be Back Later
CU - See U
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
ROFL - Rolling On Floor Launghing (Ketawa guling2 atas lantai)
WB - Welcome Back
GTG - Got To Go
VC - Voice Conference
CF - Conference
WC - Webcam
C2C - See To See (Biasanya bagi mereka yang menggunakan Webcam)
OOT - Out Of Topic
BTW - By The Way
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
WTF - What the f*** (dinasihatkan xyah la guna..)
GR8 - Great
on9 - Online
Iggy - Ignore
JK - Just Kidding
TQ - Thank You
PM - Private Message
DC - Disconnect
Haa kat bawah ni lak istilah yang biasa chatterz gunakan dalam room.. Diulang dalam room shj.. Kalo kat luar dah lain maksudnya
Campak tong - Merujuk kepada ignore
Telinga - Merujuk kepada VC
Pijak - Menggunakan vc
Pekak - VC error atau tiada VC
Parking - Join chatroom tapi away gi wat keje lain.
Selam - Xaway pun, tp kat room pun xtaip.. Status misteri.. Maybe layan PM hahahaha
Scan - Check profile user
Togel - Menggunakan YM biasa
Pak Razak - Chat client Yazak
Babun - Chat client Yahaven
Kaki Gajah - Merujuk pada mereka yang hebat dalam memijak mic
Pakai Baju - Guna VC Guard ataupun mic lock (Term ni pemijak je familiar )
Berok - Broadband (Kalo
berok lari tu means DC la)
Otai - Orang lama dlm YM ni (Otai Petai )
Sepak/Tendang - Boot hahahaha
Tercampak/Terpelanting - Kena Boot sampai terkeluar room
123 - Ni kna tnya tengku ajoi
So sorry kalo maksud x berapa tepat.. Bukan senang nak takrifkan ni
Segalanya tentang YM Yahoo messenger
\:d/ Juget \m/ Rock Kapak @};- Sekebun Mawar Merah %-( Saddappp!!! :-bd Okesss :-q Boooo :D> Tepok Amai2 B-) Sepek Mata Itam $-) Mata Duitan :-" Siul.. otai sllu guna.. Ala2 riak kot..hehe [-o< Baca doa makan pun buleh [-X Hepp.. Namo namo namo.. :-@ Kalo kne bebel bes tul guna emot b-( Kna tumbuk huhuhuhu 8-> Asyik termenung.. Angau pun leh la guna x_x Malu-malu kambing pn bule guna ni gak :!! Cepat la ceq oi!! ^#(^ Oppsss.. bukan sy ye.. jgn tuduh2 >:P Weeeeek >:/ Meh Kaih.. Lai3.. ^:)^ Budget2 takot ngan otai la :-J Alahai.. Ada2 je u ni tau :)] Helo3.... :-c Tipun i mlm ni tao :bz Bee 3:-o Lembu Gila :() Berok ~:> Ayam Kepci ~o) Kopi tongkat Ali >-) Alien Planet Zargus (*) Bintang RTM.. hahahaha :)>- World Peace!!Emoticon Shortcut Key Maksud
Khamis, 12 November 2009
kod rahsia Nokia
Secret codes:
* *#06#To check IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
* *#0000#NOKIA Firmware version and date, Phone Model and Operator Variant.
* *#92702689#Life timer (W A R 0 A N T Y) The time in which the phone has spent insending and receiving calls.
* *#62209526#Wireless MAC Address (M A C _ W L A N).
* *#2820#Bluetooth MAC address (B T A 0?).
* *#7370#Format phone (Soft Reset).
* *#7780#NOKIA Factory Reset (Hard Reset).
Isnin, 9 November 2009
Cara Memilih laptop untuk dibeli
- Jgn beli yang processor atom, kecuali memang tujuan nak buat word je dan nak yg kecil.
- Digalakkan membeli 12inch , kerana 10inch tiada cd rom, dan memakai atom processor
- Processor Sekurang kurangnya Mempunyai 2 processor( Duo Core lah )
- Jgn beli laptop yg menggunakan intel grafik card, kerana grafik card intel macam haram, carilah ATI Radeon atau Nvidia.
- Beli yg ada webcam
- Beli yg ada Card Reader
- RAM sekurang kurangnya 2G, kalau tak cukup, tambah.
- AMD atau INTEL, lebih kurang sama je skrg, no problem.
- Jangan Beli laptop yg jenama Pelik2.
Sabtu, 7 November 2009
All About GPS
GPS stands for Global Positioning System. It is a satellite-based navigation system made up of a network of 24 to 36 satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense. GPS was originally intended for military applications, but in the 1980s, the government made the system available for civilian use. GPS works in any weather conditions, anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day.
What do I need to use GPS?
There are different type of GPS device/configuration.
Handheld Unit - The handheld units (these have smaller screens) are generally used by people who go hiking, mountain biking, tracking (to map new trails or roads). (This one is not suitable for us, continue reading below.)
Automotive Unit - The Automotive units are generally designed for car navigation. Some of these models come with Bluetooth and MP3 capability. All these units have an external storage card via SD card or equivalent. (I won’t elaborate much on this, because we are in Handphone Section)
Mobile PDA Unit - The 3rd category are for those who prefers to use their PDA (whether be it the Windows Mobile platform, Palm OS platform or Symbian OS platform) for road navigation, phone and PDA functions. There are 2 different case: first is you can use the built in GPS receiver in the PDA or Smartphone or the second case is you buy a GPS receiver (GPSr) and pair with your PDA / Smartphone through Bluetooth. NOTE : Usually GPSr tends to receive faster signal and better signal than built-in GPS in PDA or Smartphone.
How much do I have to pay to use GPS service?
GPS service is FREE of Charge. There are no subscription fees or setup charges to use GPS. However, navigational software is not free. GPS receiver will only tell you where your location on Map is but if you want to go to a place with real time navigation, you need buy the full version of software so that it will guide you step by step to go to a place.
What is A-GPS?
A-GPS stands for Assisted GPS.
Assisted GPS, generally abbreviated as A-GPS, enhances the startup performance of a GPS satellite-based positioning system. It is used extensively with GPS-capable cellular phones as its development was accelerated by the U.S. FCC's 911 mandate making the location of a cell phone available to emergency call dispatchers.
Conventional GPS has difficulty providing reliable positions in poor signal conditions. For example when surrounded by tall buildings (resulting in multipath), or when the satellite signals are weakened when a GPS device is indoors or under trees. Some newer receivers are better at handling these situations.
In addition, when first turned on in these conditions, some non-assisted GPS units may not be able to download the almanac and ephemeris information from the GPS satellites, rendering them unable to function until a clear signal can be received continuously for up to one minute.
An A-GPS receiver can address these problems in several ways, using an assistance server:
* The assistance server can locate the phone roughly by which cell site it is connected to on the cellular network.
* The assistance server has a good satellite signal, and lots of computation power, so it can compare fragmentary signals relayed to it by cell phones, with the satellite signal it receives directly, and then inform the cell phone or emergency services of the cell phone's position.
* It can supply orbital data for the GPS satellites to the cell phone, enabling the cell phone to lock to the satellites when it otherwise could not, and autonomously calculate its position.
* Simply capturing a brief snapshot of the GPS signal, with approximate time, for the server to later process into a position.[2]
* By having accurate, surveyed coordinates for the cell site towers, it can have better knowledge of ionospheric conditions and other errors affecting the GPS signal than the cell phone alone, enabling more precise calculation of position. (See also Wide Area Augmentation System)
As an additional benefit, it can reduce both the amount of CPU and programming required for a GPS phone by offloading most of the work onto the assistance server. (This is not a large amount for a basic GPS – many early GPSs utilized Intel 80386-class 16MHz CPUs or similar hardware.)
A typical A-GPS-enabled cell phone will use an internet connection to contact the assistance server. Alternatively, it may use standard non-assisted GPS, which is slower and less accurate, but does not lead to network charges for data traffic, which can be considerable.[3] Some A-GPS solutions do not have the option of falling back to conventional GPS (as with the new iPhone 3G).
High Sensitivity GPS is an allied technology that addresses some of the same issues in a way that does not require additional infrastructure. However, unlike some forms of A-GPS, high sensitivity GPS cannot provide instant fixes when the phone has been off for some time.
Source Taken from Wikipedia and pasted here for easy reference :
Will I be charged when using A-GPS?
Yes, since you will be sending and receiving data from server, your TELCO will charge you based on the GPRS/EDGE/3G used.
I would like to use GPS completely FREE, can I turn off A-GPS?
Go To Menu -> Settings -> General -> Positioning -> Positioning Methods -> Assisted GPS (unselect it!)
In Nokia MAP version 2,
Press Options > Tools > Settings > Internet > Go Online at start-up > No.
If I did not follow the route during navigation by the software, what will happen?
In most case, it will recalculate a new route and guide you to the destination you chose earlier.
Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009
Check laptop korang support win 7 atau tidak
Download and run the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor to see if your PC is ready for Windows 7. It scans your hardware, devices, and installed programs for known compatibility issues, gives you guidance on how to resolve potential issues found, and recommends what to do before you upgrade.
Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009
Disable red light Camera Nokia
masukkan file ke E:\Patches folder
Run Rompatcher, select this patch and select enable.. That's it..
Download 6210 Patch
rujuk sini untuk info lengkap