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What is Allway Sync™? | |
Allway Sync is free file and folder synchronization software for Windows. Allway Sync uses innovative synchronization algorithms to synchronize your data between desktop PCs, laptops, USB drives and more. Allway Sync combines bulletproof reliability with an extremely easy-to-use interface. |
Allway Sync version 9.2.11 Has Been Released | | |||||||||||||||||||
Major changes: Platform: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 (legacy Windows 98/ME download)
This photoshop tutorial will show you how you can add eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara to any model easily with Photoshop CS.
Step1: Open your photo, go to the layer pallete. Create a new layer by clicking the new layer button on your layer pallete, then choose color as the blending mode.
Step2: Select a brush, in this case i’m using a brush with the size of 17, and double click the swatch to change the color. I put 100 cyan, 50 magenta, and 0 into yellow and black.
Step3: Start to paint onto the new layer around the eyelids
Step4: Change the color to magenta 90. Create a new layer and change the blending mode to soft light. You can start paint the eyeshadow on the new layer. Use the eraser tool with a brush size of 100 and hardness of 0 to remove some of the color to give a soft gradient
Step5: Now using eyedropper tool, select point sample from the bottom eyelashes. Create a new layer, change the blending mode to multiply, and make an eyeliner using brush of 17 pixels and remove overspill with an erase brush of 12 pixels.
That’s it!