benda ni untuk synchronize file , ni maknanya synchronize = selaras.
so file synchronize ni utk selaraskan file la. kegunaannya:
kekadang kite beli hard disk, untuk backup je kan.
tapi jenuhla, nak paste kat hardisk pc, pastu nak paste kat external hard disk plak.
benda ni boleh tolong, dia akan scan benda yg berubah kat hard disk pc kita, dan akan auto copy kat external hardisk supanya file2 yg ada kat pc, sama dengan kat hard disk.
utk set folder yg kat pc ngan kat hard disk bagi sama pun boleh.
susah nak cite, sendiri try la ye.
What is Allway Sync™? | |
Allway Sync is free file and folder synchronization software for Windows. Allway Sync uses innovative synchronization algorithms to synchronize your data between desktop PCs, laptops, USB drives and more. Allway Sync combines bulletproof reliability with an extremely easy-to-use interface. |
Allway Sync version 9.2.11 Has Been Released | | |||||||||||||||||||
Major changes: Platform: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 (legacy Windows 98/ME download)
7 ulasan:
benda ni tak praktikal utk org mcm aku....
tiga 1 terabyte hard disk
dua 500 gigabyte hard disk
dua 250 gigabyte hard disk
empat 40 gigabyte hard disk
ok now you tell me where to start synchronizing my filessssss!
moral of the story: rajin2 back up weekly for files yg penting like your graphic work and projek. if not jd mcm aku... kena redo 3D robotic project! lol...
uih byknye.
camni, set je, folder mana ngan folder mana, atau drive mana ngan drive mana.
but what if all the drive is full??? lol... takyah sync lahh... save file dlm D... kalau windows buat hal format C saja sudahhhh....
camni tasha, aku bukan backup semua, aku backup folder, software, music, gambar je, memang kat dalam d: pun, tapi aku sync ngan external hard disk aku dalam 1 folder. mana la tau hard disk pc kong, atau externel kong, naya........ aku sync folder je, bukan 1 drive.. maknanya dia akan sync folder yg kite pilih je..bagi sama isi dalam folder tu.
kalau hard disk kong aku ada software utk bukak balik file tu... even for windows... kalau windows crash aku boleh access balik windows and save file mana yg patut... i think it's worth it to have it...
Klu H'disk dan Windows Crash apa software Natasha guna share la,,sy pun nak blajar gak..from dins
byk software recovery yg ade, contohnye walaupun dah format, still leh cari balik file2 ilang
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