why ROOT:
- for swap memory
- for install chain3dfire
- for freeze application
- for O/C cpu
- for install cwm
How to root
for phone version 2.35 only
step 1:
- Download KIES - and install
- enable "USB DEBUGGING" pgo to (Menu\Settings\Applications\Development)
- enable "UNKNOWN SOURCES" go to (Menu\Settings\Applications)
- connect phone to PC.
- Download http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1317394
- extract the file
- open folder..run 'RUNME.bat'
- and wait....success!!
for phone version 2.3.6
Rooting via Recovery mode for version 2.3.6
(If ur phone 2.3.5 plz update via phone..setting-about phone-software update)
1. Download this Zip-file( http://dl.dropbox.com/u/47601401/update.zip ) copy this into the internal SD card(memory card 1.7G)
2. While switched off, hole press volume up+home+power button. Release the power-button once the Samsung Galaxy W(I8150) is switched on.
As soon as you see the Android with the box, release the Home- and Volume Up-button.
After you hit the menu-button shown on the last image, the screen will gray out, you will have to wait until the recovery menu appears.
3. Navigate with the volume up and down to apply sdcard:update.zip in Recovery Menu. To confirm your selection use the home-button.
4. Choose (with volume buttons) the update.zip file on your internal sd card and confirm again with Home-button. You will have to wait 5 seconds.
5. Now choose reboot system now and confirm with home button.
Now you device should be rooted.
4 ulasan:
Bos, boleh tak citer cam mana nk root HTC Flyer?...
bro. kalau dah root, maknenye boleh swap memori kan? macam mane nak move apps masuk sd card? phone dgn usb storage penuh laa.
i root my galaxy w phone via recovery mood...i just want to ask how to unroot....for the future...please email me at kamikaze_hariz@yahoo.com...thanks alot...
sya dh root guna recovery mode... mcm mana nk unroot balik.... email sya mohd_hanz_sanat@yahoo.com
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